
2023年9月26日 136点热度 0人点赞 0条评论

每年九月,U.S.News会发布全美大学最新排名,这对准备申请美国大学的中国学生意义重大。新一年的排名变化反映美国高校实力变化趋势,也会影响未来一年的申请难易程度。本文通过梳理历年排名变化趋势及背后原因,总结申请美国大学过程中需要注意的几点,以免受排名变动的影响。文章以U.S.News排名为主要参考,分析排名计算方法变化,提炼申请建议。美国大学排名 申请 方法变化都是文章的关键词。






ividual private colleges have seen their rankings slip, which may lead to less competitive applications. For example, the University of Rochester fell to 47th place, while Tufts University dropped to 40th. The lower rankings of these prestigious schools could be due to changes in their student profiles or reductions in resources. Applicants may see slightly better chances at these schools as a result. However, they should still aim for reasonable target schools based on their own profiles, rather than fixating on small ranking changes of a particular college.


U.S.News this year has overhauled its ranking methodology, now taking into account factors like social mobility, graduate indebtedness and reliance on tuition. This led to more movement up and down the list for many colleges. Applicants should understand the ranking changes in context, rather than assuming a school's quality has suddenly leapt or plunged. For example, public colleges that serve lower-income students may rank higher due to social mobility measures. But their actual competitiveness may be unchanged. Similarly, a private college with high tuition may fall in rankings, but it can still be an excellent choice if aid is generous. Look beyond the numbers at each school's whole profile.


While U.S. News rankings receive much attention, they provide limited insight and should not dominate application decisions. Many excellent schools fall outside the top 50, and a higher rank does not guarantee a good fit for every student. Applicants must weigh factors like programs, location, culture and costs based on individual needs and goals. For example, a smaller liberal arts college can provide a better experience than a nationally ranked research university for some. Ensure your target school list balances rankings, academics, affordability and personal preferences. Consider rankings as helpful data rather than definitive for your choices.



