tpo60口语task1 - 使用高级词汇进行主要观点的概括是关键

2023年9月30日 122点热度 0人点赞 0条评论



tpo60口语task1的题目是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's major field of study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 翻译一下,这个题目的要点是:你同意还是不同意大学应该要求每个学生在主修专业以外学习各种各样的课程?请用具体的理由和例子来支持你的观点。我们可以看到,这是一个非常典型的独立口语agree or disagree题。要点在于,我们首先需要给出自己是否同意这一观点的态度,然后用2-3个理由或者例子进行支持。在回答时,一定要用“I agree/disagree”这样的表达给出明确的态度,然后用“because, since, as”这样的词汇进行理由的过渡和引出。同时,理由展开时,使用“for example, for instance, such as”等词汇引入具体的例子或论据。精准地使用这些词汇可以使回答更流畅、更有说服力。


在tpo60口语task1中使用高级词汇可以使回答更丰富和准确。例如,在表示同意或反对某一观点时,除了I agree/disagree, 我们还可以使用I totally approve, I am inclined to believe, I harbor some doubts about等词组。在引入理由时,除了because, since, as等词,也可以使用some reasons for this are, this can be attributed to, the rationale behind this is等。另外,在举例论证时,除了for example, for instance, such as等词,也可以说Cases in point, A demonstration of this is, To illustrate this等词组。熟练掌握这些高级词汇可以帮助我们进行更准确和丰富的表达。


最后,掌握用简练的词汇概括观点也很关键。在开头可以用词组come down on the side of, hold the attitude that等表明态度;结尾可以用in conclusion, to wrap up, in summary等词组概括理由和观点。例如:I come down on the side of agreeing with this statement. This can be attributed to two aspects. First, studying different subjects enables students to have diverse perspectives. Additionally, taking various courses helps students find their interests. In summary, having a multidisciplinary education is beneficial for college students' personal growth. 这样使用高级词汇进行概括可以使回答更精炼和流畅。



