雅思越考越差是什么原因 - 学习方法和心态问题导致雅思分数下降

2023年10月15日 175点热度 0人点赞 0条评论



many雅思 learners encounter the problem of lower scores despite more efforts. The following are some common issues with study methods that contribute to this problem:First, some rely too much on sea tactics, doing problems in large quantities without reflection, summarization and analysis of weaknesses. This results in repeated mistakes without effectively improving. Second, some favor problem-solving over review and summarization. They neglect consolidating gains, and fail to reinforce weak areas. Third, some obsess over grammar while others ignore it completely. Both extremes are detrimental. Balanced attention should be given to grammar within reason. Fourth, some do not leverage mistake collection and review to deepen impressions of weak areas. In summary, ineffective learning methods like these are a major factor behind declining scores despite hard work. Deliberate efforts must be made to correct them.


In addition to learning methods, mindset also plays a key role. Many become impatient for quick results, and lose confidence after setbacks. Some become overly nervous under exam pressure. Others feel stressed and resentful from prolonged preparation. Such unhealthy mindsets sap motivation and impair performance. To improve, one must develop a positive attitude. Be patient and trust your abilities. Set realistic goals and timelines. Compartmentalize pressure during exams. Maintain work-life balance to avoid burnout. Seek help from teachers and peers when frustrated. A healthy mindset sustains motivation and enables progress. In summary, flaws in both learning approach and mental outlook contribute to the phenomenon of lower IELTS scores over time. Identifying and correcting these can help get preparation back on track.



