IELTS score indicates the level of English - Understanding band scores.

2023年12月14日 128点热度 0人点赞 0条评论

The IELTS score consists of band scores from 1 to 9, representing different levels of English language proficiency. By matching the band scores with international standards like the CEFR, we can determine the level of English that corresponds to an IELTS score.

IELTS band 6.5 is around C1 level.

The IELTS band score of 6.5 is between B2 and C1 of the CEFR framework. This indicates an advanced level of English suitable for most daily and academic needs. Test takers have a wide range of vocabulary and grammar knowledge and can communicate fluently. Compared with CET-6 in China, IELTS 6.5 is similar to the CET-6 level.

IELTS band 7 is equivalent to advanced English (C1 level).

An IELTS score of 7.0 corresponds to the C1 level of the CEFR framework. At this level, a test taker has a very high command of English and can use the language effectively for social, work, and academic purposes. There is occasional inaccuracy and misunderstanding but overall the English proficiency is quite high.

With IELTS 6, daily communication is generally fine.

The IELTS band score of 6 is at the upper edge of the B2 level per CEFR. People who score an IELTS band 6 still have some difficulties understanding complex ideas and topics. Daily communication is generally fine but there are frequent grammatical and lexical errors.

Scoring IELTS band 3 means very limited English skills.

Candidates who get an IELTS overall band score of 3 have elementary English skills according to the CEFR A2 standard. They can only meet basic survival needs and have difficulty understanding anything beyond basic phrases.

In summary, higher IELTS band scores represent greater English language competence. By matching IELTS scores with international standards like CEFR, we can determine candidates' English level and suitability for academic study or professional work.


