投诉雅思考点客服怎么投诉 - 3个具体经历总结投诉关键

2024年1月17日 217点热度 0人点赞 0条评论









waiting in the exam room outside, carefully listen to the examiner's speed, voice and attitude. Once problems are found, reflect them in time. As we can see from the first two cases, the examinees could clearly hear the examiner's voice and conversations with other examinees before entering the room. They immediately realized something was wrong based on factors like the examiner's interruption frequency and impatience. Therefore, when waiting outside, pay close attention to the examiner's performance. Once discovered issues like fast speaking speed, soft voice or impatient tone, do not hesitate to immediately reflect to get staff's support. Timely reflection is the first key step in the complaint process.


After the exam, immediately fill out the complaint form and describe the issues in detail. As the second case demonstrates, right after finishing the exam, the student went directly to find staff and request to complain, instead of leaving the exam venue first. She was then led to the exam supervisor's office to fill out a complaint form, where she detailed the examiner's problems like no expression, frequent interruption, bad attitude, etc. The supervisor said the audio would be reviewed for verification. This shows it is critical to not leave the venue first, but rather immediately reflect the issues and fill out the complaint form with comprehensive details on the examiner's problems. Clear and concrete description of the issues is key to successful complaint.


Complaints together with other affected examinees will be more convincing. As the first case shows, after encountering the stern examiner, the student wisely posted on social media first to find other examinees who suffered from the same examiner. Joint complaints from multiple students will carry more weight and make the argument more persuasive. Therefore, try to find other affected examinees to complain together by networking on social platforms. The more companions, the stronger the complaint will be. Mutual support from peer victims of the same misconduct will greatly increase the credibility and validity of the complaint.


Fully prepare beforehand to perform at your true level and reduce external influences. As all three cases demonstrate, no matter how unreasonable the examiner is, solid preparation beforehand and stable mentality during the exam are key to overcoming negative external factors and achieving your best performance. Do not count too much on successful complaint, which cannot guarantee satisfaction and involves much uncertainty. Thorough practice of all components based on the scoring criteria is the best way to mitigate bad influences. Be confident in yourself, and external factors will become secondary. Focus on your own performance, and don't get affected too much by how others act.



