英国大学一等一成绩是什么 - 一等一与二等一学位依据总成绩划分

2023年12月3日 215点热度 0人点赞 0条评论

英国大学的成绩分为一等荣誉学位、二等一级荣誉学位、二等二级荣誉学位等。一等一成绩是英国大学给予的最高荣誉学位,对应的百分制成绩为70%以上,相当于中国大学90分以上优秀。二等一称为Upper Second Class Honours,对应60-69%的成绩,相当于中国80分以上的好成绩。本文将详细解析英国大学一等一与二等一成绩的具体含义。


根据英国高等教育统计局的数据,约11%的英国本科生能够获得一等荣誉学位,它是英国大学给予的最高荣誉学位。一等荣誉学位对应的百分制成绩为70%及以上,如果换算成中国的百分制考试,约相当于90分及以上的优秀成绩。 obtained a first-class degree is the highest honor awarded by British universities. According to data from the UK Higher Education Statistics Agency, about 11% of UK undergraduates are able to obtain a first-class honors degree. A first-class honors degree corresponds to a percentage score of 70% or above. Converted to China's percentage-based exams, this is equivalent to an excellent score of 90 or above.


英国大学的二等一级荣誉学位(Upper Second Class Honours)是仅次于一等荣誉学位的第二高成绩,约46%的英国本科生能取得这个成绩。二等一级荣誉学位对应的百分制范围为60-69%,如果换算成中国的成绩的话,约为80分以上的较好成绩。所以在英国找工作时,大多数企业都要求应聘者至少要有二等一的本科学历。The Upper Second Class Honours degree awarded by British universities is the second highest grade after the first-class honors degree, with about 46% of UK undergraduates achieving this grade. The Upper Second Class Honours degree corresponds to a percentage range of 60-69%. Converted to China's score, this is a good score of 80 or above. Therefore, when looking for a job in the UK, most companies require applicants to have at least an upper second-class undergraduate degree.


英国大学的三类主要成绩还有二等二级荣誉学位(Lower Second Class Honours,百分制50-59%)、三等荣誉学位(Third Class Honours,40-49%),这两个级别的成绩比较一般,不容易在英国找到好的工作。最后,英国大学的本科及格线为40分,获得40-100分之间的成绩可以毕业,但低于40分则无法毕业。所以在英国学习时,要注意提高自己的学业成绩,至少要达到二等一才比较有就业竞争力。The three main types of grades in British universities also include Lower Second Class Honours (50-59%) and Third Class Honours (40-49%). These two levels of grades are relatively average and it is not easy to find good jobs in the UK. Finally, the undergraduate pass mark in UK universities is 40 points. Obtaining a score between 40-100 allows you to graduate, but below 40 points you cannot graduate. So when studying in the UK, pay attention to improving your academic performance. At least a upper second-class is relatively competitive in the job market.

英国大学的一等一成绩是最高的荣誉学位,对应的百分制为70%以上,相当于中国90分以上的成绩;二等一称为Upper Second Class Honours,为第二高成绩,范围为60-69%,相当于中国80分以上,是就业的基本要求。


